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Frequently Asked Questions:

Showing popular FAQ's for Red Roofing . Contact us for direct assistance.

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( Q ) Where do I start?

( A ) The first step in the process is simple. Contact us for a complimentary inspection of your property by one of our professional reps.

( Q ) What are the key questions to ask when seeking a roofing contractor?

( A ) The key questions to ask a contractor. Educate yourself on what each of these mean and be sure your property is protected. Call us if questions.

- Are YOU Licensed and Insured?
- Are you certified by manufacturers?
- What are you Years and level of experience?
- Specific Questions about the installation
- What are your warranties? Be specific.

Contact Red Roofing today at 601-297-4990 and let us answer your critical questions.

( Q ) When are you open?

( A ) We are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday and Saturday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Call 601-297-4990 now. You may leave a message or email at any time.

( Q ) What qualifies as storm damage?

( A ) Storm damage typically occurs in the form of wind or hail damage, many times both. If either of these have occurred at your property in recent weeks or even months, you may have sustained damage to your roof and should have it inspected by a professional.

( Q ) What if I don't see any shingles missing or damaged?

( A ) Not all damage to shingles is visible from the ground level. This can easily lead you to the assumption that everything is fine with your roof, but this may not be the case. You should have your property inspected by one of our professionals, if at least for your peace of mind.

( Q ) Will my insurance cover the cost of repairs?

( A ) If it is determined that you have damage to your property due to recent storms, this is covered under mostly all insurance policies. Our professionals can determine if the extent of any damage justifies a claim with your insurance.

* It is important to note that we will ONLY recommend filing a claim if there is legitimate storm damage to your property NOT simply if your roof has wear and tear from age as this is not covered by your insurance.

( Q ) Do you give free roof inspections?

( A ) Click here for Directions.  -  Yes, click on the link below and fill out the contact information for your free no obligation roof inspection.

( Q ) What if my roof is old, is the value of my claim depreciated?

( A ) The amount paid by insurance is normally depreciated on the front end of any claim and is recoverable only after the repairs have been completed. Meaning you will receive the full value of the claim in two payments. One prior to repair and one after the repair is completed.

( Q ) What about my deductible?

( A ) Your deductible payment is an agreement between you and your insurance carrier based on your policy with them. This is your contribution to the cost of repairs and works similar to a co-pay system as with health insurance. We will collect your deductible payment along with the first check from the insurance as down payment prior to repairs being scheduled.

( Q ) Who determines the cost of my repairs?

( A ) The cost of repairs in the case of a claim is determined by a software program that uses a standardized pricing index for the month and year your claim occurs. We will work with your insurance company using this software to reach an agreeable amount based on the needed repairs, building code requirements, etc.

( Q ) Are there any extra costs for me?

( A ) The only out of pocket cost for you in the instance of a claim is your deductible. This will not change regardless of the price of the repair, with the exception being roof sheathing in excess of three sheets and any upgrades you may request.

( Q ) What if I don't understand the Insurance Terminology?

( A ) We can help you with that. You will commonly see terms like;
- RCV (Replacement Cost Value)
- ACV (Actual Cash Value)
- Depreciation
- Deductible
- Scope of work
- Estimate vs. Assessment

We can explain each of these to you. Call now 601-297-4990.

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Red Roofing
109 JM Burge Rd.
Hattiesburg, MS 39402

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